SparseMatrix<size_t> SimplicialComplexOperators::buildVertexEdgeAdjacencyMatrix()const{ geometry->requireVertexIndices(); geometry->requireEdgeIndices(); geometry->requireFaceIndices(); // Note: You can build an Eigen sparse matrix from triplets, then return it as a Geometry Central SparseMatrix. // See <> for documentation. std::vector<Trip>tList; for(Halfedge he : mesh->halfedges()) tList.emplace_back(geometry->edgeIndices[he.edge()], geometry->vertexIndices[he.tipVertex()], 1); SparseMatrix<size_t> SpM(mesh->nEdges(), mesh->nVertices()); SpM.setFromTriplets(tList.begin(), tList.end()); return SpM; }
using Trip = Eigen::Triplet<size_t>; /* * Construct the unsigned vertex-edge adjacency matrix A0. * * Input: * Returns: The sparse vertex-edge adjacency matrix which gets stored in the global variable A0. */ SparseMatrix<size_t> SimplicialComplexOperators::buildVertexEdgeAdjacencyMatrix()const{ geometry->requireVertexIndices(); geometry->requireEdgeIndices(); geometry->requireFaceIndices(); // Note: You can build an Eigen sparse matrix from triplets, then return it as a Geometry Central SparseMatrix. // See <> for documentation. std::vector<Trip>tList; for(Halfedge he : mesh->halfedges()) tList.emplace_back(geometry->edgeIndices[he.edge()], geometry->vertexIndices[he.tipVertex()], 1); SparseMatrix<size_t> SpM(mesh->nEdges(), mesh->nVertices()); SpM.setFromTriplets(tList.begin(), tList.end()); return SpM; }
/* * Construct the unsigned face-edge adjacency matrix A1. * * Input: * Returns: The sparse face-edge adjacency matrix which gets stored in the global variable A1. */ SparseMatrix<size_t> SimplicialComplexOperators::buildFaceEdgeAdjacencyMatrix()const{ geometry->requireVertexIndices(); geometry->requireEdgeIndices(); geometry->requireFaceIndices(); std::vector<Trip>tList; for(Halfedge he : mesh->halfedges()) tList.emplace_back(geometry->faceIndices[he.face()], geometry->edgeIndices[he.edge()], 1); SparseMatrix<size_t> SpM(mesh->nFaces(), mesh->nEdges()); SpM.setFromTriplets(tList.begin(), tList.end()); return SpM; }
/* * Construct a vector encoding the vertices in the selected subset of simplices. * * Input: Selected subset of simplices. * Returns: Vector of length |V|, where |V| = # of vertices in the mesh. */ Vector<size_t> SimplicialComplexOperators::buildVertexVector(const MeshSubset& subset)const{ geometry->requireVertexIndices(); Vector<size_t> Vec(mesh->nVertices()); int cnt = 0; for(Vertex v : mesh->vertices()) Vec[cnt++] = subset.vertices.count(geometry->vertexIndices[v]) > 0 ? 1 : 0; return Vec; }
/* * Construct a vector encoding the edges in the selected subset of simplices. * * Input: Selected subset of simplices. * Returns: Vector of length |E|, where |E| = # of edges in mesh. */ Vector<size_t> SimplicialComplexOperators::buildEdgeVector(const MeshSubset& subset)const{ geometry->requireEdgeIndices(); Vector<size_t> Vec(mesh->nEdges()); int cnt = 0; for(Edge e : mesh->edges()) Vec[cnt++] = subset.edges.count(geometry->edgeIndices[e]) > 0 ? 1 : 0; return Vec; }
/* * Construct a vector encoding the faces in the selected subset of simplices. * * Input: Selected subset of simplices. * Returns: Vector of length |F|, where |F| = # of faces in mesh. */ Vector<size_t> SimplicialComplexOperators::buildFaceVector(const MeshSubset& subset)const{ geometry->requireFaceIndices(); Vector<size_t> Vec(mesh->nFaces()); int cnt = 0; for(Face f : mesh->faces()) Vec[cnt++] = subset.faces.count(geometry->faceIndices[f]) > 0 ? 1 : 0; return Vec; }
/* * Compute the simplicial star St(S) of the selected subset of simplices. * * Input: A MeshSubset object containing the indices of the currently active vertices, edges, and faces, respectively. * Returns: The star of the given subset. */ MeshSubset SimplicialComplexOperators::star(const MeshSubset& subset)const{ geometry->requireEdgeIndices(); geometry->requireFaceIndices(); MeshSubset st = subset; for(size_t idx : subset.edges) { Edge e = mesh->edge(idx); auto adjF = e.adjacentFaces(); for(Face f : adjF) { size_t idxF = geometry->faceIndices[f]; if(!st.faces.count(idxF)) st.faces.insert(idxF); } } for(size_t idx : st.vertices) { Vertex v = mesh->vertex(idx); auto adjE = v.adjacentEdges(); for(Edge e : adjE) { size_t idxE = geometry->edgeIndices[e]; if(!st.edges.count(idxE)) st.edges.insert(idxE); } auto adjF = v.adjacentFaces(); for(Face f : adjF) { size_t idxF = geometry->faceIndices[f]; if(!st.faces.count(idxF)) st.faces.insert(idxF); } } return st; }
/* * Compute the closure Cl(S) of the selected subset of simplices. * * Input: A MeshSubset object containing the indices of the currently active vertices, edges, and faces, respectively. * Returns: The closure of the given subset. */ MeshSubset SimplicialComplexOperators::closure(const MeshSubset& subset)const{ geometry->requireEdgeIndices(); geometry->requireVertexIndices(); MeshSubset st = subset; for(size_t idx : st.faces) { Face f = mesh->face(idx); auto adjE = f.adjacentEdges(); for(Edge e : adjE) { size_t idxE = geometry->edgeIndices[e]; if(!st.edges.count(idxE)) st.edges.insert(idxE); } } for(size_t idx : st.edges) { Edge e = mesh->edge(idx); if(!st.vertices.count(geometry->vertexIndices[e.firstVertex()])) st.vertices.insert(geometry->vertexIndices[e.firstVertex()]); if(!st.vertices.count(geometry->vertexIndices[e.secondVertex()])) st.vertices.insert(geometry->vertexIndices[e.secondVertex()]); } return st; }
/* * Compute the link Lk(S) of the selected subset of simplices. * * Input: A MeshSubset object containing the indices of the currently active vertices, edges, and faces, respectively. * Returns: The link of the given subset. */ MeshSubset SimplicialComplexOperators::link(const MeshSubset& subset)const{ MeshSubset st1 = closure(star(subset)); MeshSubset st2 = star(closure(subset)); for(size_t idx : st2.vertices) st1.vertices.erase(idx); for(size_t idx : st2.faces) st1.faces.erase(idx); for(size_t idx : st2.edges) st1.edges.erase(idx); return st1; }
/* * Return true if the selected subset is a simplicial complex, false otherwise. * * Input: A MeshSubset object containing the indices of the currently active vertices, edges, and faces, respectively. * Returns: True if given subset is a simplicial complex, false otherwise. */ boolSimplicialComplexOperators::isComplex(const MeshSubset& subset)const{ geometry->requireVertexIndices(); geometry->requireEdgeIndices(); for(size_t idx : subset.edges) { Edge e = mesh->edge(idx); if(!subset.vertices.count(geometry->vertexIndices[e.firstVertex()]) || !subset.vertices.count(geometry->vertexIndices[e.secondVertex()])) returnfalse; } for(size_t idx : subset.faces) { Face f = mesh->face(idx); auto Es = f.adjacentEdges(); for(Edge e : Es) if (!subset.edges.count(geometry->edgeIndices[e])) returnfalse; } returntrue; }
/* * Check if the given subset S is a pure simplicial complex. If so, return the degree of the complex. Otherwise, return * -1. * * Input: A MeshSubset object containing the indices of the currently active vertices, edges, and faces, respectively. * Returns: int representing the degree of the given complex (-1 if not pure) */ intSimplicialComplexOperators::isPureComplex(const MeshSubset& subset)const{ if(!isComplex(subset)) return-1; if(!subset.faces.empty()) { std::set<Edge> Es; for(size_t idx : subset.edges) Es.insert(mesh->edge(idx)); for(size_t idx : subset.faces) { Face f = mesh->face(idx); for(Edge e : f.adjacentEdges()) if(Es.count(e))Es.erase(e); } if(!Es.empty()) return-1; for(size_t idx : subset.vertices) { Vertex v = mesh->vertex(idx); if(! return-1; } return2; } if(!subset.edges.empty()) { for(size_t idx : subset.vertices) { Vertex v = mesh->vertex(idx); if(! return-1; } return1; } return0; }
/* * Compute the set of simplices contained in the boundary bd(S) of the selected subset S of simplices. * * Input: A MeshSubset object containing the indices of the currently active vertices, edges, and faces, respectively. * Returns: The boundary of the given subset. */ MeshSubset SimplicialComplexOperators::boundary(const MeshSubset& subset)const{ geometry->requireEdgeIndices(); geometry->requireFaceIndices(); MeshSubset cl = closure(subset); MeshSubset st; for(size_t idx : cl.vertices) { Vertex v = mesh->vertex(idx); size_t deg = 0; for(Edge e : v.adjacentEdges()) { if(cl.edges.count(geometry->edgeIndices[e])) { deg++; if(deg > 1) break; } } if(deg == 1) st.addVertex(idx); } for(size_t idx : cl.edges) { Edge e = mesh->edge(idx); size_t deg = 0; for(Face f : e.adjacentFaces()) { if(cl.faces.count(geometry->faceIndices[f])) { deg++; if(deg > 1) break; } } if(deg == 1) st.addEdge(idx); } returnclosure(st); }